Our History
The Queensland Council for Civil Liberties (QCCL) is a voluntary organisation concerned with the protection of individual rights and civil liberties. It was founded in 1966 in order to protect and promote the human rights and freedoms of Queensland citizens.
The desire to create a civil liberties organisation began in the shadow of the Queensland Government’s repression of civil liberties during anti-Vietnam War protests. The first public AGM was held on 29 March 1967 and QCCL has worked ceaselessly to promote civil liberties ever since.
QCCL works towards a society in which the human rights enshrined in the Human Rights Act 2019 and in documents such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, to which Australia is signatory, are protected and enjoyed by all Queenslanders and indeed Australian citizens.
The QCCL aims to:
Be vigilant in matters affecting civil liberties and to safeguard and develop respect for human rights and freedoms
Provide information about threats to, and the abuse of, rights and liberties and to foster the study of legal and human rights
Seek solutions to problems related to civil liberties, including prison reform, censorship and rights of minority groups
Provide, when necessary, neutral observers at marches and demonstrations
Though its provenance was humble and its opposition at times immense, the Council was a positive, powerful bastion of rights that many of us in that turbulent period recognised and immediately pledged ourselves to.
– The Honourable Dame Quentin Bryce AD CVO
QCCL performs the following activities:
Makes submissions to governments, inquiries or relevant authorities
Publicly opposes laws and actions that undermine civil liberties
Holds lectures and seminars on civil liberties and addresses groups by invitation
Encourages public discussion on civil liberties issues by issuing media releases and responding to media requests
Supports publication of books and pamphlets on relevant subjects
Mobilises citizens to actively engage with their local, state and federal members about human rights violations
Coordinates volunteers: we rely on the financial contributions of our members and on donations and do not receive financial support from government or corporations.
Encourages members to get involved and take action to raise awareness of civil liberties issues that affect us all
Want to Learn More?
If you’re interested in learning more about the Council’s history and Queensland history, you can pick up a copy of Guardian of Your Rights: The Queensland Council of Civil Liberties: A History, 1966-2007 written by Eddie Clarke.
The Supreme Court of Queensland Library is pleased to present this inaugural volume on the history of civil liberties in Queensland. It is the twelfth title in a series of books published by the Library, aimed at preserving unique aspects of Queensland’s legal heritage. Its social and political importance, in tracing the development of civil liberties issues and achievements in this State, will be widely welcomed by lawyers, historians and indeed any person with an interest in the protection of rights. The Library is proud to be associated with the Queensland Council for Civil Liberties and congratulates Eddie Clarke on conveying the significance of its work to the people of Queensland. The persistent dedication and enthusiasm of the Council President and members should also be acknowledged in bringing this value work to fruition.
Eddie Clarke taught in Queensland schools for many years before being seconded to the Educational History Unit of Education Queensland, for whom he researched and wrote about historical aspects of Queensland State education. He has authored three entries for the Australian Dictionary of Biography and other articles for education history publications, as well as co-editing two volumes of Soldiers of the Service that deal with the educational history of Queensland. At the end of writing this book, Clarke was so impressed with the aims of the Council and the integrity of its members that he became a member himself.