Use of counter terrorist police to police protestors

The Commissioner of Police

GPO Box 1440




Dear Commissioner


I write your behalf of the Executive of the Council in relation to the use of counterterrorism police to police anti-war protesters.


This query arises out of the investigation of a protest at the premises of Boeing Defence Australia Pty in January this year.


We note that there have been charges of common assault arising out of this protest. The Council makes it clear that we do not support violence. We support an expansive right of freedom of speech and in particular freedom of protest as an alternative to violence.


We also understand there are charges against some group members relating to graffiti. Again, we do not support the destruction of property by protesters. But on the other hand, there is graffiti and then there is graffiti. For example, chalking, at least in the case of public property would in our view in many circumstances be protected by free speech principles because chalk can be easily removed, including by the weather, and does no damage to the property.


With these necessary preliminaries out of the way, i move to the nub of this letter.


The issue is that, as we understand it, the policing in this matter has been done by the counter terrorism squad. Whilst it is ultimately for a Court to express a view on the seriousness of the conduct of those involved in this protest, it is clear on any view of them, that none of the allegations against these individuals amounts to terrorism, as that term is generally understood. Why then has the police service deployed the resources of a squad specially prepared and trained to meet serious violence in this case? Many members of the public might well conclude from this that these individuals were engaged in terrorism, when plainly they were not. We look forward to your reply.