Premier's attacks on judiciary show weakness

“The Premier’s suggestion that Magistrates’ behaviour should be changed when he full well knows it is his Government’s policy as reflected in Queensland’s Youth Justice Act that the law is as pronounced by Magistrate Power reflects the Premier’s weak and unprincipled repetitive attacks on Queensland’s Judiciary”, Mr O’Gorman said

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Submission to Inquiry into Youth Justice Reform

Most persistent offenders acquire a criminal record, so one option is to increase the rate at which we imprison recidivist juvenile offenders.  Even the most optimistic research to date suggests that incapacitation is not a very cost-effective way of reducing juvenile crime.  The money we spend incarcerating juvenile offenders would, in many circumstances, be better spent treating or trying to rehabilitate them.  There is good evidence that treatment for drug dependence is an effective way of reducing re-offending.  There is also good evidence, despite earlier suggestions to the contrary, that it is possible to rehabilitate re-offenders using methods such as conferencing, cognitive behavioural therapy or training in basic life skills.

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Government and Opposition must dislcose their contacts with Police Union

Mr O’Gorman said that the ever present and growing influence of the Queensland Police Union on Queensland politics should be made more accountable by requiring both the Palaszczuk Government and the Crisafulli Opposition to publicise on a publicly available register all dealings with the Police Union in the next 12 months leading up to the next State election.


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Answer to Question on notice -Inquiry into Australia’s Human Rights Framework

in our view the Federal Act should contain a provision similar to Commonwealth anti-discrimination legislation which provide that the Act is not intended to exclude or limit the operation of a law of a state (or territory) that furthers the objects of the Act and is capable of operating concurrently with the Human Rights Ac

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Submission on the proposed changes to Dog Laws

The important connection between a dog and their owner renders the destruction order a decision that should be a last resort and made with careful consideration. Destruction orders infringe upon the rights of the dog and the dog owner. However, the threat the dog poses to the community and the careful consideration that occurs for destruction orders renders such a decision appropriate and necessary to uphold community safety in the relevant circumstances. 

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Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill

The government's role as an intellectual arbiter of the truth in social and political debate must be constricted, if not completely denied.  This is based on a deep skepticism about the good faith of those controlling the government.  That skepticism flows from the fact that decisions about what is true or false, when made by those in power, are bound up with political perspectives of those in power. In that regard the government is not impartial when it comes to contested disputes about the facts underlying political life.  This is not meant to be some conspiracy theory.  It derives from the fact that in the words of Lord Acton “All power tends to corrupt.” 

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Response to Safe and Responsible AI In Australia Discussion Paper

In our view, Australia should require any development or application of artificial intelligence to an authorisation and licensing process that primarily focuses on the human rights implication(s) and we submit that this approach ought to be consistently applied to State use of these computational processes as well as any private development or application

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