Posts tagged Criminal law
Privacy and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024

Notwithstanding our submission that doxing offences in the form contained in the Bill should not be introduced, we submit that; if it were to be introduced, doxxing should be an offence only to the extent it can be equated to harassment or stalking as the unacceptable behavior and consequences are similar.


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Rhyming sound bites won't fix problems with youth justice system

“Mr Crisafulli should tell Queenslanders what he is going to do to remedy the serious failure to rehabilitate young offenders in Queensland juvenile jails and what he is going to do to address the multiple problems in juvenile justice as outlined in Mr Worrall’s Report”, Mr O’Gorman said.

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Answers to Questions on notice from Community Safety and Legal Affairs C'ttee

The proposal that ‘associates’ can have a Firearm Protection Order made against them simply because the associate ‘knows’ a recognised offender is objectionable because of the width of the provision and the effect that an FPO can have on that associate’s ability to hold rural employment.

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Joint CCLs letter re Migration Amendment Bill 2024

We are particularly troubled by the objectives apparently underpinning the legislation, including exclusion of entire nations from migration to Australia, further criminalisation and exposure to imprisonment and detention of people seeking safety in Australia, and circumvention of the impact of a prospective High Court decision regarding unlawful administrative detention.

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Submission to Inquiry into Youth Justice Reform

Most persistent offenders acquire a criminal record, so one option is to increase the rate at which we imprison recidivist juvenile offenders.  Even the most optimistic research to date suggests that incapacitation is not a very cost-effective way of reducing juvenile crime.  The money we spend incarcerating juvenile offenders would, in many circumstances, be better spent treating or trying to rehabilitate them.  There is good evidence that treatment for drug dependence is an effective way of reducing re-offending.  There is also good evidence, despite earlier suggestions to the contrary, that it is possible to rehabilitate re-offenders using methods such as conferencing, cognitive behavioural therapy or training in basic life skills.

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