Posts tagged privacy
Privacy and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2024

Notwithstanding our submission that doxing offences in the form contained in the Bill should not be introduced, we submit that; if it were to be introduced, doxxing should be an offence only to the extent it can be equated to harassment or stalking as the unacceptable behavior and consequences are similar.


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Mandatory Checkin App raises privacy issues

“The QCCL calls on the government to provide assurances to the people of Queensland, that data collected from the Check in QLD app will be used solely for the stated purpose of contact tracing. QCCL also seeks assurances that information collected from the Check-in app will not be used for law enforcement purposes or any other additional purpose” said Mr. Cope

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Workplace Privacy

Perhaps at its core privacy protects and ensures equality in the sense that we are entitled to equal concern and respect as individuals, and not that we are entitled to do as we please. Such an approach would shift away from viewing privacy as a prerequisite for preventing invasions of various liberty interests to one of maintaining conditions that will make the exercise of those liberty interests possible. So conceptualised, equality would be at the hub and the various liberty interests protected by privacy simply spokes on the privacy wheel.”

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